
专业, Minors, and 在进行职前培训 degree programs & 证书

Dr. 史黛西Onks
Dr. Stacy Cummings-Onks, Director UAC

Don't worry, being undecided about a major is very common...你不是 独自一人! 的 University Advisement Center (UAC) at 差 is dedicated to helping you define and declare your major and career interests. We will talk through broad categories of interest and help you select appropriate general education courses. As you progress we can help guide you more skillfully 进入理想的专业.

university advisement center logo

请致电 (423) 439-5244 或者寄给我们 电子邮件. If you would like to come by for a visit, we are located on the D . 2楼.P. 选中心.